Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blog Post #7

After watching the videos assigned, I discovered many things that I need to know and be prepared for in order for me to be a teacher that fosters student participation and learning. I need to have a great understanding of technology and how to use it effectively.  As shown in the Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten video, future educators need to have an understanding of iMovie. Teachers also need to master how to use iMovie in order to incorporate it into their lesson. Using iMovie encourages critical thinking and active engagement. It was also explained in this video how future educators need to know how to use the Alabama Virtual Library. The Alabama Virtual Library is a free resource provided to students in order for them to properly research a topic. I discovered from the video We All Become Learners that future educators should have knowledge on how to properly use an iPad. Teachers should also research and understand great apps to encourage learning. The video iPads in the Classroom also gave me insight on the importance of iPad usage in the classroom. This video explained how the iPad improves learning and how it also encourages engagement. Personally, I believe that the Top 10 Reasons to use Technology in Education video provided educators with the most valuable information that they need to know for the future, and that is the statement that Sridhar Raju made that "technology will not replace teachers, but teachers that don't know how to use technology will be replace."

Quote about technology and teaching

I learned a lot from watching the videos provided. The "Using iMovie and the Alabama virtual Library in Kindergarten" video discussed that KINDERGARTEN students are now using iMovie. I personally believe that is amazing. I feel the same as Mrs. Michelle Bennett from Gulf Shores Elementary School does, and that is excited to see kids so young learn and grow while using technology. I also learned from this video that these same kindergarten students are learning how to properly use the Alabama Virtual Library. They learn how to research topics by using the Alabama Virtual Library search engine, and they research information on an animal that they were assigned that is located on a list that is provided for them by the teacher. In the video "We  All Become Learners," I learned about a couple of apps I did not know about. Mrs. Bennett discussed the apps padlet and popplet, and she discussed the reason for their usage. Mrs. Bennett also explained how using technology in the classroom "changes the dynamic of learning." Mrs. Bennett explained how changing this dynamic gives students the opportunity to not only learn but teach. I learned from the video "iPads in the Classroom" the many benefits for using the iPad to engage student learning. In this video I also learned about another app that I did not know about, and that app is called iconverse.  The Top 10 Reasons to use Technology in Education video explained the many reasons to incorporate technology into the classroom.

These reasons are as listed below:
1. Students love it
2. Engages four key components to learning
3. Professional development
4. Makes life easier for teachers
5. Improves test scores
6. Helps students with low attention spans (ADD and ADHD)
7. Allows students to Learn from the experts
8. Encourages homework
9. Saves Money
10. Remove obstacles (example: Allows teachers to increase the volume of their lesson.)


  1. Kaley, I agree that this previous blog post introduced me to a lot of new information as well. As upcoming teachers we will have to grow and become familiar with the technology being introduced into the classroom. Good post.
