- Thoughts on EDM310
- What I've heard
- My fears
- EDM310 Compared to my other classes
- Project Based
- More use of technology
- Difficulties of EDM310
- Video Posts
- How I overcome
- Be more understanding
- Questions for EDM310
- Assigments
- Talking more with my teacher
- Asking questions in class
When I attended my first class of EDM310, I did not know what to think. I've heard from former students that this class was very time consuming, but it can be done. They told me to make sure that I do my assignments on time, and I would do good in the class. I do have some fears about this class. My biggest fear in any class is not making an "A". I like to push myself to always do my best, and I feel an "A" is definitely achievable in this class.
EDM310 is very different compared to my other courses I have taken in college. I have not taken any education course until this semester. EDM310 and other education courses are more project based than I am use too, but I like that. I am use to taking more tests and doing only a few projects. EDM310 is also a more technologically advanced class than I am use to. I have never made a blog before, so I am excited about that. I am looking forward to learning new things in this class. It is critical for educators to know the importance of using technology in the classroom.
One difficulty I will have in EDM310 is doing the video posts and having to hear my voice. I have a very country accent, and hearing a recording of my voice makes me uncomfortable. I am not sure what I can do to fix my fear, but I could be a little more understanding about the fact that I'm not the only one that is going to be uncomfortable making these videos. I will just get over it, and do my best on all of my blog assignments.
I am sure I will have plenty of questions regarding EDM 310, and most of them will be about the assignments. I am anxious about starting all 16 of these assignments, and I am positive that I will have a lot of questions to ask. What I need to learn to do is speak up in class more. I need to also get better about asking my teacher questions instead of asking my classmates. Going to my teachers and getting help in the lab is how I will be successful in this class.
I can agree that we have similar thoughts about this course. I've also heard from multiple sources that this class consumes a bunch of time. While I've been told that, I also heard that it is not impossible to receive a good grade in the course. This is also my first education course and its definitely different from any other course I've taken so far in college. As the class progresses I'm sure that the assignments will become easier and being able to manage time spent will improve. I'm just anxious to get started and start to get into the fun stuff.